Watch video of 8PM With Fareeha Idrees 10th December 2014 by Fareeha Idrees on.. submitted by Rocking Star on Dec 10, 2014. This video of 8PM With Fareeha Idrees 10th December 2014 by Fareeha Idrees on.. has total 886 (eight hundred and eighty-six) Views on 8PM With Fareeha Idrees 10th December 2014 by Fareeha Idrees on...
Rocking Star  |  Dec 10, 2014  |  886 Views
If i compare fareeha idress with asma sherazi, i think asma is much better because she cover the program after complete the full discussion but she cannot cover any question.
The voice of fareeha idress is unpleasant, i dont know why she react like Jasmine which is one of the famous journalist but she is such a different from her, i dont like this program.
Although she is a very talented anchor person of this channel but she dont give a chance to the opposite person to complete his talk that is why many times i get change the other channel.