Watch video of 8PM With Fareeha Idrees 30th May 2014 by Fareeha Idrees on Frid.. submitted by Saba on May 30, 2014. This video of 8PM With Fareeha Idrees 30th May 2014 by Fareeha Idrees on Frid.. has total 1060 (one thousand and sixty) Views on 8PM With Fareeha Idrees 30th May 2014 by Fareeha Idrees on Frid...
Saba  |  May 30, 2014  |  1060 Views
Fareeha idrees is a junior journalist but most popular due to its efforts. She is a very brave woman, she conduct the interview of the most senior politician, now i am watching Shaikh Rasheed in this show.