Bhar Do Jholi - Aamir Liaquat Naat Watch video of Bhar Do Jholi - Aamir Liaquat Naat submitted by Jazz on Jan 01, 2013. This video of Bhar Do Jholi - Aamir Liaquat Naat has total 28128 (twenty-eight thousand one hundred and twenty-eight) Views on Bhar Do Jholi - Aamir Liaquat Naat .
Jazz  |  Jan 01, 2013  |  28128 Views
Superb and best because Amir bhai is the best. This is a very old kalaam but i never listen much in the past but when he recite this kalaam i like it and also download this whole file in the voice of Amir Liaquat.
Ap ka show bohat accha hai
amir bhai you are greet greet greet man
amair bahi apki awz bohat ache hai allha apko iss ka ajjar ata kary.