Mahboob ki Mehful ko Mahboob ka sajaatay hain - Amir Liaquat HussainWatch video of Mahboob ki Mehful ko Mahboob ka sajaatay hain - Amir Liaquat Hu.. submitted by Nida Khan on Jul 01, 2013. This video of Mahboob ki Mehful ko Mahboob ka sajaatay hain - Amir Liaquat Hu.. has total 28738 (twenty-eight thousand seven hundred and thirty-eight) Views on Mahboob ki Mehful ko Mahboob ka sajaatay hain - Amir Liaquat Hu...
Nida Khan  |  Jul 01, 2013  |  28738 Views
Nice naat Amir bhai Mashallah . Allah bless you
Mashaallah very nice
I think the old version of this naat was good specially in the voice of female because i also copy of this version and recite many times in my school, everyone really like it.
nice naat...SubhanAllaha