Watch video of Sar E La Makaan Say Talab Hui submitted by Saba on Dec 23, 2014. This video of Sar E La Makaan Say Talab Hui has total 18290 (eighteen thousand two hundred and ninety) Views on Sar E La Makaan Say Talab Hui.
Saba  |  Dec 23, 2014  |  18290 Views
I have the many stock of his naat of aamir liaquat hussain because his voice is really sweet and this naat of his I really like ‘sar-e-la makaan say talab hui
This is mine most favorite naat of aamir liaqat hussain ‘sar-e-la makaan say talab hui’ I still searched this naat of the site but it found only in this site
I really like to read the naats when I want to read the naats so I come on this site for read and also listen it and this is mine favorite naat is ‘sare la makaan say talab hui
Aamir Liaqua Hussain is my favorite Naat Khuwan I have listened his naats albums and also attend the Milaad by Aamir Liaqua Hussain