Ae Kaash Millay - Abdul Rauf Rufi Latest Naat 2014Watch video of Ae Kaash Millay - Abdul Rauf Rufi Latest Naat 2014 submitted by Saba on Apr 11, 2014. This video of Ae Kaash Millay - Abdul Rauf Rufi Latest Naat 2014 has total 85517 (eighty-five thousand five hundred and seventeen) Views on Ae Kaash Millay - Abdul Rauf Rufi Latest Naat 2014.
Saba  |  Apr 11, 2014  |  85517 Views
In this ramadan I really miss Abdul Rauf Roofi, although he came in the last year Shan-e-ramadan transmission.
Ae kaash milay is the qalam by Abdul Rauf which I see in this site first time, it is so sweet.
In every naat and Hammd the style of Abdul Rauf remain same, this is a the way in which he recognize.
Masha Allah what a beautiful voice he has. I like this naat a lot. I am glad that you people have posted this here.