Watch video of Mehboob Ki Mehfil Ko submitted by Jazz on Jun 25, 2014. This video of Mehboob Ki Mehfil Ko has total 36317 (thirty-six thousand three hundred and seventeen) Views on Mehboob Ki Mehfil Ko.
Jazz  |  Jun 25, 2014  |  36317 Views
SubhanAllah! I am glad that you are offering this beautiful naat here on this page. He is blessed with amazing voice. Thank you HamariWeb.
Masha Allah, may Allah give him a long life. In the list of new naat khuwan he is in the top of my list because he also recite some regional language naats.
Subhan Allah, this is a very old kalaam but Ahmad bhai make it new with his great voice. He is a very nice person and naat khuwan.