Watch video of Amazing Talent And People Compilation submitted by Jazz on Feb 17, 2016. This video of Amazing Talent And People Compilation has total 2809 (two thousand eight hundred and nine) Views on Amazing Talent And People Compilation.
Jazz  |  Feb 17, 2016  |  2809 Views
Some of it is funny some of it is not funny but i think he did a good job not all people can be pleasex with something.....
Mostly all luck, except for the guy jumping over the car and the guy jumping out of the plane with no parachute. Those two were psychopaths, which I guess you could call bad luck.
I don’t know what technique is introduce in this lovely car which can change the colors. I really like this amazing video as well all the other videos are also good.
wow! Really this video is amazing to see the talented this man take a risk my mouth full open when i saw this video