Lab Pe Aati Hai Dua Ban Ka Tamana Meri Dua By Allama Iqbal

Watch video of Lab Pe Aati Hai Dua Ban Ka Tamana Meri Dua By Allama Iqbal submitted by Imran on Aug 31, 2015. This video of Lab Pe Aati Hai Dua Ban Ka Tamana Meri Dua By Allama Iqbal has total 2565 (two thousand five hundred and sixty-five) Views on Lab Pe Aati Hai Dua Ban Ka Tamana Meri Dua By Allama Iqbal.

Category: Amazing

Imran  |  Aug 31, 2015  |  2565 Views

Latest Reviews & Comments

Allama Iqbal role in the poetry of those which is helpful for the children is very important that’s why his poetry I listen in every occasion. The designation of the poet of the east is such a great designation for him.

  • By mumtaz, Form khi
  • On 10 Sep, 2015

When I listen this poem by Allama Iqbal I feel energy in my body, this poem is a great motivational step for the every person that is why Allama Iqbal did a great job due to his poetry at the time of partition.

  • By ubaid-ur-rehman, Form khi
  • On 09 Sep, 2015

What is the name of the singer of this poem in this new version? I like the voice and the background videos which make it new style. This is a very famous qalam by Allama Iqbal which every one read in the school.

  • By farookh, Form khi
  • On 06 Sep, 2015

When I listen this poem I thought my school days assembly time because we were daily read this dua by Allama Iqbal, this dua is evergreen because all the students get the motivational step from it.

  • By bilal, Form khi
  • On 06 Sep, 2015