Watch video of Main Tere Qurbaan Mohammed (S.A.W) submitted by Imran on Dec 29, 2014. This video of Main Tere Qurbaan Mohammed (S.A.W) has total 13021 (thirteen thousand and twenty-one) Views on Main Tere Qurbaan Mohammed (S.A.W).
Imran  |  Dec 29, 2014  |  13021 Views
I need to get the subtitle of the Arabic naats in urdu or English so I can understand the complete meanings of the Arabic naats and hamads like this amber ashraf’s naat in Arabic.
Amber Ashraf Naat Main Tere Qurbaan is a beautiful naat nada los Amber Ashraf has many good naats collections which I have already listened and hope you would lie to
I have many cadies of amber ashraf naats and this is also ‘main tere qurbaan mohammad’ ii really like this this poetry of her
The voice of Amber Ashraf is Genuine so don’t you think that this is the magic of mikes and the stereo which is available behind the mikes it is the real voice by her