Bhar Do Jholi - Amjad Sabri NaatWatch video of Bhar Do Jholi - Amjad Sabri Naat submitted by Irfan Mirza on Nov 19, 2012. This video of Bhar Do Jholi - Amjad Sabri Naat has total 84857 (eighty-four thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven) Views on Bhar Do Jholi - Amjad Sabri Naat.
Irfan Mirza  |  Nov 19, 2012  |  84857 Views
awesome qawalli Ma sha Allah!!
My favorit qawali Bihar do jholi merit ya mohammed
mr.asjad omar frm should knw that he means thah ALLAH will give him for the sadqah of his PROPHET...that iz why he'll cry at PROPHET'S roza...