Karam Mangta Hoon, Ata Maangta Hoon - Amjad Ghulam Fareed Sabri NaatWatch video of Karam Mangta Hoon, Ata Maangta Hoon - Amjad Ghulam Fareed Sabri.. submitted by saima30 on Jul 10, 2013. This video of Karam Mangta Hoon, Ata Maangta Hoon - Amjad Ghulam Fareed Sabri.. has total 221138 (two hundred and twenty-one thousand one hundred and thirty-eight) Views on Karam Mangta Hoon, Ata Maangta Hoon - Amjad Ghulam Fareed Sabri...
saima30  |  Jul 10, 2013  |  221138 Views
This is mine most favorite naat by amjad ghulam sabri ‘karam mangta hoon atta maangta hoon’ he read this naat by the heart
He was great man and he read the beautiful naat in his sweet voice many peoples are big fan of him because he read the naat by heart
This is mine most favorite naat ‘karam mangta hoon ata maangta hoon’ usually I read this naat by this side because there mine many mine favorite naats are available
Amjad Ghulam Sabri have a beautiful and clear voice which is only some lucky naat Khuwan got form Allah and I am thinking that he is really lucky