Kuch Roz Se - Anas Younus NaatWatch video of Kuch Roz Se - Anas Younus Naat submitted by Saba on Jul 01, 2013. This video of Kuch Roz Se - Anas Younus Naat has total 21054 (twenty-one thousand and fifty-four) Views on Kuch Roz Se - Anas Younus Naat.
Saba  |  Jul 01, 2013  |  21054 Views
This Naat is an amazing one Anas Younus recited this Naat with full of dedication.
Mashallah bht zbrdst naat hai.....gd voice...
very very very very very niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
veri nice naat