Watch video of Apna Apna Gareban 4th February 2015 by Matiullah Jan on Wednesd.. submitted by Nida Khan on Feb 04, 2015. This video of Apna Apna Gareban 4th February 2015 by Matiullah Jan on Wednesd.. has total 1008 (one thousand and eight) Views on Apna Apna Gareban 4th February 2015 by Matiullah Jan on Wednesd...
Nida Khan  |  Feb 04, 2015  |  1008 Views
coward... why not showing comments.. coward indian
you should have talked more on india's massacre and human rights violations, you should have ta;lked about the struggle with an aim to support it, rather u were victimising the freedom fighter.... bad bad bad
it was highly disappointing to see your intent while you were interviewing Mr Salahuddin. Instead you should be encouraging the stance of the kashmir cause, u were promoting the perception , and u must be knowing that perception is stronger than reality. associating kashmir struggle with daaish, ttp etc.. shame on u. learn and research before you show your face . you bloody indian tout