Fountain DiscoWatch video of Fountain Disco submitted by Sahar on Nov 04, 2010. This video of Fountain Disco has total 5583 (five thousand five hundred and eighty-three) Views on Fountain Disco.
Sahar  |  Nov 04, 2010  |  5583 Views
it's amazing
best movie
Brilliant! in a single shout. It is The Dubai Fountain, a record-setting choreographed fountain system set on the 30-acre man made Burj Khalifa Lake - Dubai. Do You know its cost? it was built at a cost of AED 800 million (USD 218 million) or (18 Billion Pak Rupees). I don't know why rich people spend million of dollars on tinny / little wishes just for some minutes pleasure... by this amount thousands of poor children can get education or better life (I don't know who will think about this)
dancing water this is dubai near duai mall. this is nice.