Watch video of WORLD'S MOST DANGEROUS ROADS===U WILL BE AMAZED=== submitted by Ahsan on Jan 15, 2010. This video of WORLD'S MOST DANGEROUS ROADS===U WILL BE AMAZED=== has total 6964 (six thousand nine hundred and sixty-four) Views on WORLD'S MOST DANGEROUS ROADS===U WILL BE AMAZED===.
Ahsan  |  Jan 15, 2010  |  6964 Views
The road which i can see on the internet it isnt good.I think the goverment of that country is a country blugher and the goverment he or she must take care of of that country.Very Very poor service giving to the public.My suggestion is to the goverment of that country to make the good roads and good ficiliteis for all the people where ever they live in the rural (jungle) or urburn(shahar)also the people there is human being not the creatures