Watch video of Allah Rakha Cattle Farm 2016 Sohrab Goth Mandi submitted by Owais Mirza on Aug 12, 2016. This video of Allah Rakha Cattle Farm 2016 Sohrab Goth Mandi has total 3154 (three thousand one hundred and fifty-four) Views on Allah Rakha Cattle Farm 2016 Sohrab Goth Mandi.
Owais Mirza  |  Aug 12, 2016  |  3154 Views
I want to purchase a nice healthy cow in economical pricing and therefore, I choose to opt for this Allah Rakha Cattle Farm located in Sohrab Goth Mandi. I want to know if someone visited this cattle farm earlier and is aware of the latest animal stocking
They are local cattle farms but they have the brilliant cows as the Mandi you have to find whole mandi and go with any one cattle farm so it’s better than that
Maybe Its is the second branch of dilpasand Because in Amir Dilpasand cattle farm bulls are very heavy same as Dilpasand cattle farm.
Good Breed in this Cattle Farm i saw many cows are very active and their weight maximum 500Lbs .Never miss to see this Allah Rakh cattle Farm Guys .