Watch video of Amir Dilpasand Cattle Farm - Cow Mandi 2016 submitted by Imran on Sep 14, 2015. This video of Amir Dilpasand Cattle Farm - Cow Mandi 2016 has total 3674 (three thousand six hundred and seventy-four) Views on Amir Dilpasand Cattle Farm - Cow Mandi 2016.
Imran  |  Sep 14, 2015  |  3674 Views
Everyone is visiting cow mandi these days to purchase animals of their choices. I will go to AMIR DILPASAND CATTLE FARM - COW MANDI 2016 because it is located in our area. I am all amazed and happy to see beautiful healthy animals for slaughtering
Dil Pasand cattle farm have the oldest name in Mandi so without any doubt you should go with it if you want immolate the huge and beautiful animal
Dilpasand cattle farm is now more beautiful when on heavy animals are left there it doesn’t matter that they are sold or not but they increase the beauty of this tent
This black one cow by Amir Dilpasan Cattle farm is so heavy which I like. Any body have any idea about the weight of this cow? I think it over five ton.