Bakra Mandi Lahore 2016:Prices of Cows and Goats (Bakra) during Bakra Eid Days are very high the owners of cows and Bakra enjoys full monopoly, they sell their cows in Cow Mandi on their desired rates usually in starting days the bakra mandi rates are high and start to decrease as days come closer to Bakra Eid.Watch video of Bakra Mandi Lahore 2016 submitted by Hina Javad on Sep 30, 2013. This video of Bakra Mandi Lahore 2016 has total 42210 (forty-two thousand two hundred and ten) Views on Bakra Mandi Lahore 2016.
Hina Javad  |  Sep 30, 2013  |  42210 Views
On this page’s animals looking very expensive and beautiful tomorrow I will go there for bought the cow in this photos the red cow is looking very pretty so want to bought it
Pakistan bakra mandi is very huge I want to go this mandi tomorrow I will gone to this Pakistan mandi and I feel very exciting
This mandi is looking full of bakras and in mandi have some cows I will visited soon in bakra mandi Lahore because I am living in Karachi but after some days I will gone to lahore
After rainy I took a survey of mandi and I got the good prices there I also bought a Bakar in 18 thousand