Watch video of Chand Bull Sohrab Goth Gai Mandi Karachi 2K15 submitted by saima30 on Aug 28, 2015. This video of Chand Bull Sohrab Goth Gai Mandi Karachi 2K15 has total 2487 (two thousand four hundred and eighty-seven) Views on Chand Bull Sohrab Goth Gai Mandi Karachi 2K15.
saima30  |  Aug 28, 2015  |  2487 Views
Chand bull is also a kind of sibbi bull which have large horns due to the age of it, may be this one is also more than four years old but due to the beauty peoples are also bring this bull for the purpose of sacrifice.
Amazing videos I really like the all of them. Especially this one please also mention that which cattle farm this cow belongs too.
Sohrab Goat is a great Mandi of Pakistan famous of its healthy and extraordinary cattle farms live stock.