Watch video of Huge Sibbi Bulls For Qurbani 2015 submitted by Faraz on Aug 28, 2015. This video of Huge Sibbi Bulls For Qurbani 2015 has total 3040 (three thousand and forty) Views on Huge Sibbi Bulls For Qurbani 2015.
Faraz  |  Aug 28, 2015  |  3040 Views
Wow… Look at this white sibbi bull, I think this bull is over five ton heavy in weight. I only like Sibbi bulls due to the long height and weight.
Usually I noted that the sibbi bulls are only looking wise horrible but you know it is very innocent animal. I also want to purchase sibbi bull in this year because it is easy to walk it in the single rope.
This video is not as attractive like other videos listed on this page. I really like those, must say such a nice collection of videos are listed on this website.