A short video clip of a qurbani cow run. It's funny that a cow running and all people want to catch it. This is a short video in which a cow running and trying to run away . Must watch . Watch video of Qurbani Cow Running submitted by Ayesha Rashid on Sep 30, 2013. This video of Qurbani Cow Running has total 23418 (twenty-three thousand four hundred and eighteen) Views on Qurbani Cow Running.
Ayesha Rashid  |  Sep 30, 2013  |  23418 Views
In Pakistan have many Qurbani cow mandi’s and in mandi have many beautiful and expensive cow compare the Pakistani and the other countries mondi are not then the bigger of pakistan
In Pakistan now a day Qurbani’s animals are too much expensive its rates are very high when I was bought the Qurbani animal I was shoked to listen its price
Yesterday I went to bakra mandi Lahore when I listened animals price I am shocked because its price are too higher so I don’t bought any animal
I also uploaded many videos like this because I like to making a videos who amazed the public as well as you seen this