Watch video of Rabbani Cattle Farm 2016 Sohrab Goth Mandi submitted by Owais Mirza on Aug 16, 2016. This video of Rabbani Cattle Farm 2016 Sohrab Goth Mandi has total 2370 (two thousand three hundred and seventy) Views on Rabbani Cattle Farm 2016 Sohrab Goth Mandi.
Owais Mirza  |  Aug 16, 2016  |  2370 Views
Cattle farms increases the value of Mandi when you go mandi so firstly you go the cattle farms who near you because they attract by the decorations
Where is it set in Cow mandi ?? I want to see this brown and white bull .Maybe my father will buy this bull and tell me how much it cost??
White one cow in Rabbani cattle farm was very beautiful, i hope this time they also brings some better cows like dilpasand farm.
Yesterday I got visit in Rabbani cattle farm, I like all the sacrificial animals. All the bull are very heavy and beautiful in weight.