Watch video of White Queen Shah Cattle Farm 2015 - Karachi Gaen Mandi 2015 submitted by shahzaib on Aug 28, 2015. This video of White Queen Shah Cattle Farm 2015 - Karachi Gaen Mandi 2015 has total 2957 (two thousand nine hundred and fifty-seven) Views on White Queen Shah Cattle Farm 2015 - Karachi Gaen Mandi 2015.
shahzaib  |  Aug 28, 2015  |  2957 Views
In the karachi cow mandi various kinds of bulls and cows are also come from out of the border, I think this cow is also belongs from india. I like the beauty of it, last year I also saw same cow in shah cattle farm.
People of Pakistan are so crazy about Qurbani animal they do not see money all they see that how beautiful animal is and how healthy it is so that they can show off their Qurbani animal to everyone.