Watch video of Belaag 29th September 2014 by Ejaz Haider on Monday at Capital TV submitted by Jazz on Sep 29, 2014. This video of Belaag 29th September 2014 by Ejaz Haider on Monday at Capital TV has total 1068 (one thousand and sixty-eight) Views on Belaag 29th September 2014 by Ejaz Haider on Monday at Capital TV.
Jazz  |  Sep 29, 2014  |  1068 Views
Mr. Ejaz Haider epitomises a great media figure from Pakistan and I compliment and admire him of conducting the programm very well. In reference to Belaag dated 29 Sep just have to state that trade between India nd Pakistan (unconditional from both sides) is a needed option. Trade would lead to development and we should also strengthen SAARC nations collectively for the region. Only trade and people to people contact can help us to overcome other issues. Best regards, Japneet