Watch video of Amazing Arabic Bakra(Goat) submitted by shahzaib on Aug 31, 2010. This video of Amazing Arabic Bakra(Goat) has total 7976 (seven thousand nine hundred and seventy-six) Views on Amazing Arabic Bakra(Goat) .
shahzaib  |  Aug 31, 2010  |  7976 Views
سبحان اللہ یہ اللہ کی قدرت ہے
Subhanallah ( miracless of Allah ) no teach him to clim the tree and eat leaf. but he also teach us a lesson to depend on ur self. means strive to archive all success. by ur hard work not not scattered ( spread ) ur heand to other . proud on this goat is better then our pak politician . people
کم از کم اپنی محنت سے کھا رھا ھے،ھمارے پاکستا نی سیاستد انوں کی طرح تو نہیں کہ عوام کا مال؛؛؛؛؛؛ باپ کا مال سمجھ کر کھا تے ہیں پاکستان ذندہ باد
Assalam-o-Alaikum. SUBHAN ALLAH