A two-headed calf has been born in Colombia. Despite her two heads Jenifer has only one brain. Watch video of Calf born with Two Heads submitted by Ahmed Shahzad on Jul 31, 2009. This video of Calf born with Two Heads has total 5378 (five thousand three hundred and seventy-eight) Views on Calf born with Two Heads.
Ahmed Shahzad  |  Jul 31, 2009  |  5378 Views
سبحان اللھ اللھ رب العزت انسانوں کو بتا رھے ھیں کھ میں (اللھ)وہ سب کر سکتا ھوں جس کا تم گمان بھی نھیں کر سکتے
Man, thats scary but then again its all His work so theoretically i am completely speechless but thanks for the post...should be eye opener for us.
Thenks for creation of Hamariweb keep it up