A short funny video clip of an aeroplane. It's a good takeoff in this video but what you think, isn't it fake ? Or it's real ? Must watch this funny video now.Watch video of Crazy Takeoff - Real or Fake? submitted by Imran on Sep 28, 2013. This video of Crazy Takeoff - Real or Fake? has total 16772 (sixteen thousand seven hundred and seventy-two) Views on Crazy Takeoff - Real or Fake?.
Imran  |  Sep 28, 2013  |  16772 Views
It is a video trick
hahahahaha Crazy Pilot :D
just fake, its impossible because of stall limits.
Crazy Take Off: ---------------- MaY I ask a question? If it is a passenger aircraft doing Crazy take off, Is allowed to fly with close angle, No doubt in an emergency it can be done, For military aircraft, no problem, it c could fly at 180 Degree, If I am wrong pl correct me,