Gutka ke NuqsanWatch video of Gutka ke Nuqsan submitted by Faraz on Feb 05, 2012. This video of Gutka ke Nuqsan has total 5974 (five thousand nine hundred and seventy-four) Views on Gutka ke Nuqsan.
Faraz  |  Feb 05, 2012  |  5974 Views
well........ I think Government is responsible for all this anti-health stuffs. people are stressed, depressed and they are using this drugs because of some money makers?? I believe if one or two of this Ghutka makers strictly punish/hang in jails or somewhere, it is possible to reduce the ratio of selling this poison .. Alas!!!... human life is worse than Animal in some parts of Asia............
why u don.t put this add in all tv chanal ,every day.iam realy so sad to see this young boy.Allah iss ko sehat day,