Grizzly man Mark Dumas, is the only man in the world who can touch a polar bear and the only man in the world that can swim with a polar bear. And as these incredible moments show Grizzly Man, the fearless bear handler from Abbotsford, British Columbia, even goes for a dip in his swimming pool where he and 16-year-old polar bear age enjoy a watery cuddle together. With his incredibly intimate bond Grizzly Man Mark wrestles on the grass with polar bear Agee, kisses her, puts his head in the polar bear's huge jaws, and even bear hugs her as she rears up on her hind legs to over seven feet. MarkWatch video of Polar Bear And Man Swim submitted by Afshan on Oct 29, 2013. This video of Polar Bear And Man Swim has total 2510 (two thousand five hundred and ten) Views on Polar Bear And Man Swim.
Afshan  |  Oct 29, 2013  |  2510 Views