Mentally ill, Abhijeet Bhattacharya says that "We have 100s of Nusrat Fateh Ali Khans in our streets".Watch video of SICK Abhijeet insulting Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan submitted by Faraz on May 29, 2012. This video of SICK Abhijeet insulting Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan has total 4147 (four thousand one hundred and forty-seven) Views on SICK Abhijeet insulting Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan.
Faraz  |  May 29, 2012  |  4147 Views
Jahil Abhijeet Bank tum Bacchey ho apny baap sey bi says kerty ho.
ABIJEET lakh lanat salay teray taay tohh Nusrat the Great ki instult ki