A Very Heart Touching Video Of A Kid Named "ASFAND YAR" Which Was Died In A Car Accident That Took Place On December 05 2010 At Bahria Town Car Racing Track.Watch video of Asfand Yar,Kid That Died In Bahria Town Car Accident.(must watch) submitted by RANA SHAHBAZ KHAN on Dec 09, 2010. This video of Asfand Yar,Kid That Died In Bahria Town Car Accident.(must watch) has total 9048 (nine thousand and forty-eight) Views on Asfand Yar,Kid That Died In Bahria Town Car Accident.(must watch).
RANA SHAHBAZ KHAN  |  Dec 09, 2010  |  9048 Views
alas....Pakistan had lost another asset
it was a very tragic and sad accident. may ALLAH bless them all in eternal peace .and give courage to their parents as well as family members to face such circumstances.
For God Sack! those authorities arrange car races they must make sure the minimum level of safety to make safe the life of innocent people like Asfand Yar. Allah give the endurance of his mother...
A very sad news & also a sad video. We should pray for him and his parents.