very disappointing this judiciary is in all the cases really, they are twisting and turning the laws and playing with people of Pakistan emotions, they justify everything with law, just to show people that we are doing good justice according to the constitution, what else we can do now. And our innocent people are fighting each other just for few corrupt leaders, to prove them right or wrong in their arguments they are wasting their precious lives.Watch video of Chief Justice refuses Imran Khan's application submitted by Faraz on Feb 06, 2012. This video of Chief Justice refuses Imran Khan's application has total 2895 (two thousand eight hundred and ninety-five) Views on Chief Justice refuses Imran Khan's application .
Faraz  |  Feb 06, 2012  |  2895 Views
His son is doing mass corruption & he is lashing others. Hypocrite of the century. He is shallow person.His objective is to post Nawaz shareer the PM again.