Gillani being embarassing, and embarrased. Go Gillani Go, Preferably to JailWatch video of Convicted PM of Pakistan being an Embarassment, and being Embar.. submitted by Faraz on May 11, 2012. This video of Convicted PM of Pakistan being an Embarassment, and being Embar.. has total 3896 (three thousand eight hundred and ninety-six) Views on Convicted PM of Pakistan being an Embarassment, and being Embar...
Faraz  |  May 11, 2012  |  3896 Views
gilani kuchto sharem karo.apnalya nahi to kamazkam is gharatmend qoom ka khayal karo.
gillani aur zardari ka koi qusoor nahà awam ne in ko select kia hai . Ab bhugtain
This is a very painful moment that I am living in a country whose president is symbol of Mr. 10%, and Prime Minister is not only currept but also convicted person. May Almighty forgive us. Ameen. arif Islamabad
laanat ho is kutte per