Drone Attack Victims

Nine-year-old Nabila Rehman rested her head on the table. It was Oct. 24, 2012, the day before the Islamic holy day of Eid-al-Adha in North Waziristan. Zubair, Nabila, their little sister, five-year-old Asma and some of their cousins were all in the fields beside their house as their grandmother, 67-year-old Momina Bibi, showed them how to tell when the okra was ripe for picking. She said, we want peace and our right to live in our society. Must watch.

Watch video of Drone Attack Victims submitted by saima30 on Nov 02, 2013. This video of Drone Attack Victims has total 4923 (four thousand nine hundred and twenty-three) Views on Drone Attack Victims.

Category: Current Affairs

saima30  |  Nov 02, 2013  |  4923 Views

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Drone Attack