Fozia Wahab Loses Temperament

Fozia Wahab Loses Temperament
Watch video of Fozia Wahab Loses Temperament submitted by saima30 on Feb 13, 2012. This video of Fozia Wahab Loses Temperament has total 4850 (four thousand eight hundred and fifty) Views on Fozia Wahab Loses Temperament.

Category: Current Affairs

saima30  |  Feb 13, 2012  |  4850 Views

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Amazing,the ppp has still not learnt the lesson,for sure their weakness is the degraded understanding of law,be it there ex chairman,zab or the co chairman aaz.The constitution may award amnesty for a sentence,keeping the punishment in abeyance ,that too under emergency like war/civil war/natural disaster; of a case but the FIR/proceeding can go on.Ex chairman zab vs kasuri/state,though ppp did try to fight and create an ambiguity on that as well by asking the courts to reopen but failed.

  • By salam, Form shreveport
  • On 14 Feb, 2012