Hug a Terrorists

What a heart melting video with a thought provoking message for all. How world reacts to Israel killing ‘terrorists’ just like the ones in the video. Two innocent Palestinian girls standing in a busy street with a banner ‘Hug a Terrorist.’ Most of the people were touched and they hugged the innocent ‘terrorists’ that depicts that the world still have a heart that feels for innocents being labeled and killed as terrorists.
Watch video of Hug a Terrorists submitted by Babar on Jul 24, 2014. This video of Hug a Terrorists has total 17849 (seventeen thousand eight hundred and forty-nine) Views on Hug a Terrorists.

Category: Current Affairs

Babar  |  Jul 24, 2014  |  17849 Views

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What is the story behind these two girls, i could not understand any thing why she make a poster of hug a terrorist? They both are looking pretty and belongs to a good family.

  • By wasay, Form khi
  • On 28 Oct, 2014