PTI wants the govt to immediately stop all drone attacks , restore Pakistan's sovereignty and identify and expel all US private contractors and CIA operatives. Join us on 21-22 May in Karachi on KPT bridge near tower where we will bock the road and supplies of the NATO forces . We request every Pakistani and specially everyone in Karachi to be there.Watch video of Imran Khan's Exlusive Message for Karachi Dharna submitted by Salman Ahmed on May 21, 2011. This video of Imran Khan's Exlusive Message for Karachi Dharna has total 6197 (six thousand one hundred and ninety-seven) Views on Imran Khan's Exlusive Message for Karachi Dharna.
Salman Ahmed  |  May 21, 2011  |  6197 Views
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The young Syed Shafaat Ali is a very talented guy, I like his mimicry video in which he makes mimicry like Imran Khan in a very funny way. I am a big fan of this guy.
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