India nay Kashmir ko Pakistan ka hissa tasleem karlia

Watch video of India nay Kashmir ko Pakistan ka hissa tasleem karlia submitted by saima30 on Apr 23, 2012. This video of India nay Kashmir ko Pakistan ka hissa tasleem karlia has total 7558 (seven thousand five hundred and fifty-eight) Views on India nay Kashmir ko Pakistan ka hissa tasleem karlia.

Category: Current Affairs

saima30  |  Apr 23, 2012  |  7558 Views

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Kashmir/ Hindustan and Pakistani enmity is sheer waste of time, energy, money and lives of poor innocent people. By war there is no winners. War brings destruction to all party involved promoting such action. Who benefit : Manufacturers of Arms and Ammunition and the Government of the West. Your hard earned income should have been used to develop your infrastructure, Health, Education, and Welfare of the people of the country. Billions of US Dollars gone out of the Country for what reason, to promote and feed the country of supplier of Arms to kill your brothers, and to put your Country in debt for years to come. Elected leader of the Country must note , to be careful and take precaution of the West who's only objective is to grip you by their claws and make you bondage. Please wake up and look at your poor people and their needs and keep the enmity away and find solution to every problems and deal with it for the better condition and to improve living condition of your country man, women and children.

  • By shahim khalil, Form Queensland Aust
  • On 12 May, 2012

Wah kia bat ha Nai anay wali nasal ko Kashmir ko pakistani hisa bata ya ha yeh to bahout achaha ha chalo jangoun say masla ka hal nahi howa chalaay aik umeed to pada howi is maslay kee, Haqqiqat ko tasleem karanay ki jurat to howi Shukriya Tauseef Amjad Meer. Peshawar,

  • By Tauseef Amjad MEER , Form Peshawar, Pakistan
  • On 01 May, 2012

this is big parapognda

  • By Iqbal Ka Sialkot, Form sialkot
  • On 28 Apr, 2012

yes finalyy we won...hahaha

  • By Hassaan raza, Form karachi
  • On 25 Apr, 2012


India nay Kashmir ko Pakistan ka hissa tasleem karlia