Rehman Malik Visited International Islamic University Islamabad and reaction of studentsIslamic University Students throwing stones at Rehman Malik Watch video of Islamic University Students throwing stones at Rehman Malik submitted by Muhammad Faraz Baig on Oct 22, 2009. This video of Islamic University Students throwing stones at Rehman Malik has total 3614 (three thousand six hundred and fourteen) Views on Islamic University Students throwing stones at Rehman Malik .
Muhammad Faraz Baig  |  Oct 22, 2009  |  3614 Views
The throwing of shoes and stones at Rehman Malik reflects the understanding of the situation by the students who know that it is not the taliban but our rulers who are responsible for such acts.
PPP Govt. is going complete fail. When Zrdari is presedent, Rehman Malik Interior Minister and Fozia Wahab is information Minister than u can imagined what they can perform.