Javed Chudhary Vs Ansaar Abbasi - Must Watch ClipWatch video of Javed Chudhary Vs Ansaar Abbasi - Must Watch Clip submitted by Jazz on Aug 03, 2012. This video of Javed Chudhary Vs Ansaar Abbasi - Must Watch Clip has total 4956 (four thousand nine hundred and fifty-six) Views on Javed Chudhary Vs Ansaar Abbasi - Must Watch Clip.
Jazz  |  Aug 03, 2012  |  4956 Views
I agree with these comments ANSAAR ABBASI is great and honest man , muslim and generarlist. Ansar Abbasi and Talat Hussain are two personalities in Pak Media who got some worth. Ansar Abasi dont abstain from telling truth, Remember whenever you speak truth you are tortured, look into the history of all prophets, carry on, javed is an example of common ignorant person arguing baselessly and shamefully
بہت افسوس ہوا جاوید چودھری آ پ پر ۔۔۔انصار عباسی صاحب اللہ آپ کو استقامت دے اور ان نام نہاد میزبانوں کو عقل سلیم عطا کرے۔
Ansar Abbasi and Talat Hussain are two personalities in Pak Media who got some worth. Javed sb. please you are wrong and your words and actions are disgusting.
Shame on javed ch. you are doing very very fazool Fazool questions.