Malik Riaz Hussain announces Rs 50 Crore relief package for floodWatch video of Malik Riaz Hussain announces Rs 50 Crore relief package for flood submitted by sajjad shah on Sep 15, 2014. This video of Malik Riaz Hussain announces Rs 50 Crore relief package for flood has total 14289 (fourteen thousand two hundred and eighty-nine) Views on Malik Riaz Hussain announces Rs 50 Crore relief package for flood.
sajjad shah  |  Sep 15, 2014  |  14289 Views
Allah Malik Riaz ko be hisab dey our unhen be hisab kharch kerney ki toufique inayat farmay AMEEN
I slute you mr malik , no body help poors, may God give you more and more. please don't give to bosterds but give to needy hummans. God bless you I love you ,good luck
nice man
First we need some rehabilitation elements which work to remove the victims in this mess otherwise i dont think so the funds can do something.