Watch video of Mehar Bokhari trying to cover her fault submitted by Salman Ahmed on Jun 15, 2012. This video of Mehar Bokhari trying to cover her fault has total 5700 (five thousand seven hundred ) Views on Mehar Bokhari trying to cover her fault.
Salman Ahmed  |  Jun 15, 2012  |  5700 Views
Lanat tumhari shakal par, bay ghairat, 3rd class paisy par biknay walay loog.
khisyani billi khamba nochay....................
ohh. jo yeh keh rahi ha vo sub sahi aor jo logon na daikh lia vo galat, wah. she is saying k sub planted nahi tha, then why does she say herself again n again during the break k yeh planted ha yeh planted ha. infact she is lier and she just want to prove her image which couldnt b...
over time ki bat be kar raheii thii anti jhoot bol rahee hai