Meher Bukhari is working for PPP now a days.She had been girl friend of Salman Taseer. An Anchor must be impartial, but in her programs she takes class of PML-N and protects PPP Agenda. A good example of yellow journalism in Pakistan.Watch video of Meher Bukhari PPP Owned Journalist submitted by Ahmed Shahzad on Nov 24, 2010. This video of Meher Bukhari PPP Owned Journalist has total 3452 (three thousand four hundred and fifty-two) Views on Meher Bukhari PPP Owned Journalist.
Ahmed Shahzad  |  Nov 24, 2010  |  3452 Views
Yes Meher Bukhari is not able to Work as Journalist
I don't believe that she is PPP's owned journalist. She criticises bad goverance and corruption of government authorities. As far as her relations with Salman Taseer is concerned, this is her personal matter and no one should comment on this.
i thing ye koie IDP camp ka dora hoga ..