Nawaz Shariff youth revolution in GujranwalaWatch video of Nawaz Shariff youth revolution in Gujranwala submitted by Faraz on Jan 02, 2012. This video of Nawaz Shariff youth revolution in Gujranwala has total 2604 (two thousand six hundred and four) Views on Nawaz Shariff youth revolution in Gujranwala.
Faraz  |  Jan 02, 2012  |  2604 Views
ھاتھی کے دانت کانے کے اور دکھاے کے اور
bastard leader
Lalchi ..nawaz shareef.. youth ki baat kerta hai....sala .... number 1 phtuoo
Dear Mian sb, AOA. do not woried and reginsed from national assembly immediately, allah with you and all pakistani nation with you, why you are woried, inshalla you are only win the next election. please when you win the election and make sure the good working for pakistan people like shortage of Gas and electracity for industary and also requested to please closed the fully CNG station from all over the pakistan, because public transport move on the petrol or desiel and minimize the prices. you are requested to please visit all over the pakistan urgently and first visit to start from Blochistain for election compain and assort out the Blochistan people problems and arrange the good Rozgar scheme in Blochistan people in Blochistan. inshalla Allah with you and all pakistani nation with you, i am always prayer for you like heleath and wining the election.