Oklahoma Tornado - Exclusive Mobile Footage

Video captured on mobile phones shows the approach of the Tornado on Newcastle and Moore, Oklahoma, that ripped through the state on Monday. Some views show the twister at a distance making whirlpool effect, while others get very close to the storm, capturing the base of the tornado just metres away. Barack Obama has declared a state of major disaster as 91 people are feared dead from the storm in Moore
Watch video of Oklahoma Tornado - Exclusive Mobile Footage submitted by Faraz on May 22, 2013. This video of Oklahoma Tornado - Exclusive Mobile Footage has total 5289 (five thousand two hundred and eighty-nine) Views on Oklahoma Tornado - Exclusive Mobile Footage.

Category: Current Affairs

Faraz  |  May 22, 2013  |  5289 Views

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so danger

  • By furquansheyr, Form karachi
  • On 11 Jul, 2013


Oklahoma TornadoDeadly TornadoOklahoma Tornado video