Pak Team is offering prayer in Mohali Cricket stadium Watch video of Pak Team is offering prayer in Mohali Cricket stadium submitted by saima30 on Mar 28, 2011. This video of Pak Team is offering prayer in Mohali Cricket stadium has total 5791 (five thousand seven hundred and ninety-one) Views on Pak Team is offering prayer in Mohali Cricket stadium .
saima30  |  Mar 28, 2011  |  5791 Views
Masha Allah. God Bless them..i hope they will win world cup final..
It is based on fact that we are in deep trouble at the moment being a Nation. But this moment may be prosper for the Pakistani nation and for Imran Khan who is now in India. Mr. Imran Khan is required to pray to Allah for the victory of Pakistani Team by providing his deep struggle and effort to the team. This match is election for Mr. Imran Khan selection as pakistani leader because every Pakistani thinks that Mr. Imran Khan is backing Pakistani Team. That Pakistan Team who is being supported by the knonwn and good muslim, Saeed, Inzman, Yousaf, Mushtaq. These are the people who can motivate team, Imran, and the Nation. Once again first need Just pray to God Almighty and be Sincere