Watch video of Pakistan's Worst Flooding submitted by Sahar on Aug 02, 2010. This video of Pakistan's Worst Flooding has total 4862 (four thousand eight hundred and sixty-two) Views on Pakistan's Worst Flooding.
Sahar  |  Aug 02, 2010  |  4862 Views
ya allah hum pe rahim farma to tu zameen o asman ka malik ha beshak hum gnhgar hn ya allah hamry gunah muaf farma haman azab si bacha
allah rahim farmay pray for them .May Allah save give them strength
these are of course very heart rendering scenes,ALLAH help us against these calamities & we should also help our brethren in this hour of great need,ALLAH be with us,amen1
Asalam alakum, All my sisters and brother who are suffering from this disaster Allah give you all the power and humit to go through this tragedy, worry about live's things can be bought again but life you cannot buy . Goverment should immegiatly start setting big container's where the nearest land without water, so the people can stay there for a while..