Pervez Musharraf leaves Indian Anchor Arnab Goswami Speechless & Show Goes Off AirWatch video of Pervez Musharraf leaves Indian Anchor Arnab Goswami Speechless .. submitted by Jazz on Jan 18, 2013. This video of Pervez Musharraf leaves Indian Anchor Arnab Goswami Speechless .. has total 34759 (thirty-four thousand seven hundred and fifty-nine) Views on Pervez Musharraf leaves Indian Anchor Arnab Goswami Speechless ...
Jazz  |  Jan 18, 2013  |  34759 Views
Did Musharraf say anything at all to make the Indian Anchor Arnab Goswami go Speechless ??? what nonsense... come on people grow up... He was just denying at his will as he should and the anchor kept his questions on..... this is no topic to discuss and this reflects the intellect of Pakistan media or should i say foolishness ..
oo chal aey
u have done a good job...we proud of you PERVAIZ MUSHARRAF....shameless indians
very good musharraf great leader