Watch video of Pictures of Karachi Bomb Blast submitted by Saleem Ullah Shaikh on Jan 02, 2010. This video of Pictures of Karachi Bomb Blast has total 5096 (five thousand and ninety-six) Views on Pictures of Karachi Bomb Blast.
کراچی میں یومِ عاشورہ پر ماتمی جلوس پر ہونے والے ریموٹ کنٹرول بم بلاسٹ کے بعد جائے حادثہ اور اس کے فوری بعد “ نامعلوم “ شرپسند جو کہ اب معلوم ہوگئے ہیں کہ کون ہیں ان کی جانب سے لگائی گئی آگ کے مناظر
Saleem Ullah Shaikh  |  Jan 02, 2010  |  5096 Views
poor peoples of this country are dying no elite class and sons and daughter of ruler are not effecting so how can they feel this pain and misery of poor people, increasing cost of living is just like bomb blast which present government is doing since its came in the power. God bless our country.
bomb blasting and khudkash bombar go to jahanam yhey trained to them are not so called muslim. musalman woo he jiske hath rair or zuban se kissi musalman ko takleef na punchee ameen
یے سب غیر مسلموں کں سازش ہے
ye log musalman nahi hain..allha ham sab ko aapni aaman main rakhe ameen.